

Advanced Technologies for Municipal Water Treatment

Created on:2020-12-07 18:09

LONDON, March 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- ThisBCC Research report provides an in-depth analysis of the market for advancedmunicipal drinking water treatment. Technical and market drivers are consideredin evaluating the current value of the technologies and in forecasting growthand trends over the next five years.Industry structure, technological trends,pricing considerations, R&D, government regulations, company profiles, andcompetitive technologies are included in the study.

Use this report to:
- Examine the market for four categories of advanced municipal water treatment:membrane filtration, ultraviolet irradiation, ozone disinfection, and somenovel advanced
oxidation processes.
- Learn about the industry's structure, technological trends, pricingconsiderations, R&D, and government regulations.
- Identify technical and market drivers in order to evaluate the current valueof the technologies and to receive forecast growth trends.

- The U.S. market for advanced municipal water treatment technologies wasvalued at about $2.1 billion in 2013. The market is expected to reach nearly$2.3 billion in 2014 and $3.2 billion in 2019, a compound annual growth rate(CAGR) of 7.4% for the five-year period, 2014 to 2019.
- The total market for membrane filtration systems used in U.S. potable watertreatment is expected to increase from $1.7 billion in 2014 to $2.4 billion in2019, a CAGR of 7.4% for the five-year period 2014 to 2019.
- The U.S. market value of advanced disinfection systems is expected toincrease from $555 million in 2014 to $797 million in 2019, a CAGR of 7.5% forthe five-year period 2014 to 2019.

Depending upon the source and what is included in the estimate, the globalmarket for water and wastewater treatment equipment is reportedly valued at$500 billion to
$600 billion. Between $80 billion and $95 billon is related specifically toequipment. According to the United Nations' Fifth World Water DevelopmentReport (2014), up to
$148 billion will need to be invested worldwide in water supplies andwastewater services annually to 2025. That figure reflects chronicunderinvestment in water infrastructure. This problem is manifest not only inthe developing world, but also in advanced economies, which will need to makeconsiderable investments in the coming
years just to maintain services. The majority of expenditures for watertreatment are for conventional water equipment and chemicals; however, an evergrowing percentage relates to advanced treatment technologies, includingmembrane filtration, ultraviolet irradiation, ozone disinfection, and somenovel disinfectant systems.

This BCC Research marketing report provides an in-depth analysis of the marketfor advanced municipal drinking water treatment. These methods include membranefiltration, ultraviolet irradiation, ozone disinfection, and a few emergingnovel processes. These so-called advanced technologies are known as"advanced" due to their improved effectiveness against a growingrange of regulated drinking water contaminants, their decreased production ofwaste, their nonhazardous properties, their diminished demand for chemicaladditives, and sometimes their lower energy requirements.

Municipal drinking water treatments, whether physical, biological, or chemicalprocesses, range in sophistication from ancient sieving methods tostate-of-the-art computer-controlled techniques. Conventional drinking watertreatment is accomplished by methods hundreds of years old. Processes consistof one or more of the following steps: flocculation and sedimentation, in whichsmall particles coagulate into larger ones and settle out of the water stream;rapid sand filtration, to remove remaining particles; and disinfection withchlorine, to kill microbes. None of the traditional technologies will beevaluated in this report except to make comparisons to advanced treatments.Technical and market drivers are considered in evaluating the current value ofthe technologies and in forecasting growth and trends over the next five years.The conclusions are illustrated with statistical information on markets,applications, industry structure, and dynamics along with technologicaldevelopments.

This report is intended for those who require a thorough analysis of theadvanced municipal drinking water treatment industry. It traces significantdevelopments and forecasts important trends, quantifies the various marketsectors, and profiles companies active in those areas. Because of thefragmented nature of the industry, it is difficult to find studies that gatherextensive data from diverse resources and analyze it in the context of acomprehensive document. This report contains a unique collection of informationand conclusions that is difficult to find elsewhere.

This comprehensive report aims to provide those interested in investment,acquisition, or expansion into the advanced drinking water treatment marketwith specific, detailed information crucial to making educated decisions.Senior marketing personnel, venture capitalists, executive planners, researchdirectors, government officials, and suppliers to the water industry who wantto discover and exploit current or projected market niches should find thisreport of value. Nonindustry readers who wish to understand how regulations,market pressures, and technology interact in the arena also will find thisstudy worthwhile.

This report examines the market for four categories of advanced municipal watertreatment: membrane filtration, ultraviolet irradiation, ozone disinfection,and some
novel advanced oxidation processes. Five-year projections are provided formarket activity and value. Industry structure, technological trends, pricingconsiderations, R&D,
government regulations, company profiles, and competitive technologies areincluded in the study. The report is primarily a study of the U.S. market, butdue to the international presence of some industry participants, globalactivities are included when appropriate.

Both primary and secondary research methodologies were used in preparing thisstudy. A comprehensive literature, patent, and Internet search was undertakenand key
industry players were queried. Research methodology was both quantitative andqualitative. Growth rates were calculated based on existing and proposedequipment
sales for each of the advanced methods during the forecast period. A key tablein the report's overview presents the average capital cost per gallon of watertreated by
technology type. These figures then were multiplied by anticipated treatmentcapacity additions during the survey period. Consumables used in the processes,replacement membranes, UV lamps, and so on, were also taken into account.Values are given in U.S. dollars; forecasts are made in constant U.S. dollars,and growth rates are compounded. Calculations for system sales do not includedesign or engineering costs.

Information in this report was gleaned from many different sources. SECfilings, annual reports, patent literature, business, scientific, and industryjournals, government
reports, census information, conference literature, patent documents, onlineresources, and industry participants have all been researched. Information fromthe following industry associations also was reviewed: American MembraneTechnology Association, American Water Works Association, InternationalDesalination Association, International Ozone Association, InternationalUltraviolet Association, Water and Wastewater Equipment ManufacturersAssociation, Water Environment Federation, and the Water Quality Association.

Post time: Dec-07-2020